
14/09/2024 NEW Rescheduling of Grand Final Dates

The dates for the Grand Finals of the Tournament have been rescheduled to November 7-11, 2024. Team coordinators will provide more detailed information via email.


15/08/2024 Grand Final problems 2024

The full list of the problems of the Grand final is now published! The problems are divided into 2 blocks. The day, which each of the blocks will be played, will be announced no later than 3 days before the Grand final. Remember that you may refuse to solve any one problem in each block.


14/08/2024 Results of the Extramural Round 2024

We are excited to announce the results of the Extramural round of INST 2024. Congratulations to the teams that performed exceptionally well and are invited to the Grand Final in Yerevan, Armenia, from September 19 to 23, 2024:

  • Paper Candy
  • LEFTYscience
  • Kiasu_NUS
  • Rock Candy
  • Atomic Avengers
  • Team Brainder
  • Tejaswi
  • Serotonin Seekers
  • Team Vanguard
  • Nature's champions
  • Six Shots Of Espresso*

*Winner of Qualifying round — Natural Sciences Tournament (CIS region).

Standby List:

  • SSABRZ India

These teams will be invited in case of a withdrawal or inability to participate by one of the main listed teams.

We will send you more detailed information via email.

Congratulations to all participants, and we wish you the best of luck in the Final! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email



The submission for the Extramural Round of INST 2024 has ended.

The results of the Extramural Round will be published on the first weekend of August 2024.


We are pleased to announce that the deadlines for the Extramural round of INST 2024 have been extended to June 30, 2024.


We are ready to start the Extramural round of INST 2024 Grand final!

Here is a simple instruction:

  • Gather your team and find a coach.
  • Solve 2 out of 3 problems of the Extramural round.
  • Upload your solutions no later than May 12 or June 16.
  • Find your team in the list of the invited teams to the Grand final INST 2024!



You have been waiting for it so long, so here they are - the results of the Extramural round of INST2022! Congrats to everyone!

Now let's move on to not-so-good news: The organizing committee has been thinking for a long time and finally decided that it would be inappropriate to hold the Grand final this year. However, next year we are going to have an in-person Grand final 2023 and the teams that passed for the Grand final this year are invited to the next year's face-to-face stage without having to go through the Extramural round.


We have great news!
The INST Reunion will happen in less than a week on December 28, 2021! We will meet ex-participants, jury, and members of the organizing committee. If you are still have not registered, please, press here to fill the form.

Also, here is the program of Reunion. The venue address will be sent to all registrated participants.


We are ready to start the Extramural round of the XII INST Grand final! 

Here is a simple instruction:

  • Gather your team and find a coach.
  • Solve 2 out of 3 problems of the Extramural round.
  • Upload your solutions on the website no later than January 31 or March 1, 2022.
  • Find your team in the list of the invited teams to the Grand final INST-2022!

The Grand final of the XII INST will be held as an online event in late April 2022. The exact dates will be announced later.


The Grand final of XI INST is over! We would like to say thanks to everyone who took part in the tournament this year! And we want to congratulate our winners: team Benthos, Singapore! Winners will receive a certificate for LinguaLeo courses as a gift.


We created a page for this year's Grand final, where all the information is collected (especially the results of the 1st qualifying day!).


Due to some issues, the team ZC Cheops will not be able to participate in this year's Grand final, so here we publish the new distribution of the team for the first and the second qualifying days.



We are happy to start the Grand final of XI INST! Here is the distribution of teams during the Qualifying games. See you tomorrow and good luck!


We have some important information about the problems' submission. On Friday, July 23rd the block B will be played, and the solutions of this block must be sent to 2 hours before the 1st cycle starts. On Saturday, July 24th, solutions of block A problems must be sent 2 hours prior to cycle 3, too. The same rule also applies for the Final game on July 25th.


The tournament will take place soon, so we will publish the schedule. Looking forward to seeing you!


Hey everyone! We publish the full set of problems right here. See you soon!


We have great news! The 3 of 5 problems of the second block are already published on our website. We will publish the rest 2 problems of the second block soon. Good luck!


Hey everyone! The first block of problems has arrived, the next one will be published soon. Keep in touch!


Hey, guys, we have very important news for you!
The Grand Final of INST 2021 will be held as an ONLINE event due to the epidemiology situation. Travels are still dangerous, and we don't want our participants to be endangered. The tournament dates are still July 19-26, 2021.
All of the Grand Final problems will be published on our website soon. Also, the Team coordinator will contact you to confirm your participation in the Grand Final.


Finally, we are pleased to announce that the dates of the tournament have been determined: the Grand final of INST will be held from the 19th to the 25th of July 2021!
As we all know, travel is challenging now. Therefore, in early June, we announced whether the tournament would be held offline or online.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Grand final finally!


Dear friends, I regret to inform you that the Online round is canceled due to the lack of participating teams in the Online round. Most of the teams decided to participate only in the Grand final. From our side, we would like to hold an enthralling competition for both participants and jury members. That is why we have decided to cancel the Online round on the 6th of March so that not take your time and effort.
We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience and hope for your understanding.
At the end of March - beginning of April, we expect to announce the plausible dates of the Grand final and hope to see all of you there.


Less than two weeks left before the Online round! Here is the official program of the Online round, which will take place on March 6, 2021.


Hey, guys! The problems of the Online round are just here. So if you have participated in the Extramural round, then you have to solve only 2 more problems, and you're in! Hope to see you on the 6th of March!


We are happy to announce that the Online round of XI INST will be held on March 6, 2021. It’ll be a 1-day online tournament. Teams will prepare solutions of 4 out of 5 presented problems, which we will publish within a week.
The details will be sent to the captains soon.
All of the teams will get small prizes from winners and us will get certificates as usual.
If you’d like to participate in the Online round but haven’t participated in the Extramural round, email us via

By the way, we still hope to hold the Grand final of XI INST later this year. Stay safe!


Dear friends, we are sorry for such a long waiting. Finally, here we publish the final ranking of the teams for both waves and TOP3 teams of this year's Extramural round. All of these teams are invited to the Grand final of the XI INST, which we highly hope to hold next year (details later). Congratulations to everyone, and looking forward to seeing you in 2021! 

All the teams will get scores with the jury's comments within a week via e-mail.


Dear friends, due to some technical problems the results of the Extramural round will be published later. We’ll do our best to publish them this week. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Dear friends,
During the whole this time, we've done our best to hold the offline tournament in February 2021. Unfortunately, as you can see, the epidemiologic situation is still not quite easy. We want all of the participants, jury members, and organizers to have a chance to join us at the Grand final. That's why we announce that the Grand final of XI INST won't take place in February 2021. We'll do our best to hold it during 2021 and inform you about new dates as soon as possible. However, we'll hold some kind of online event in February, so stay tuned, and we'll give the details soon!
And of course, next week we'll announce the results of the Extramural round! 


Dear participants and coaches, your teams can submit solutions today until 23:59 (GMT +3).  


Hey, guys! Here we publish the results of the first wave of the INST 2021 Extramural round. Congratulations to the selected teams, and I hope to see you at the Grand final of INST in 2021! After the end of the Extramural round, we will choose the 3 best teams of the two waves as winners and award them with certificates.  

The rest of the teams are now on the standby list until the second wave. All the teams will get scores with the jury's comments soon via e-mail.

Hope to announce the venue and other details of the Grand final soon! Stay safe and healthy!


Dear friends! We have made redesigned Personal account and hope that now it has become more convenient. 

If you have any problems with registration, creating your team, or uploading your solutions, please, contact us via


The 1st wave of the Extramural round has ended! The results will be announced within 2 weeks. Keep in touch!


Check out the video about the Grand final of X INST! Many thanks to Ilya Mongilev and Egor Baranovskiy, our videomakers, and Pavel Terno and his band for the music.



Dear participants! Here we publish an approach to the evaluation of your solutions to the Extramural round problems. You can also find this document in the section Important documents and videos. 


We are happy to inform you that there are some pleasant changes in the Extramural round of the INST2021!
We left the procedure of the Extramural round the same. Traditionally, the selection of the best teams to the Grand Final will be based on the results of the Extramural round. But also, this year, we will select the winners and prize-winners of the Extramural round  (for 2 waves together) and award these teams with certificates.
So hurry up and participate! Don't forget the 1st deadline is September 30.


We are ready to start the Extramural round of the XI INST Grand final! 

Here is a simple instruction.

  • Gather your team and find a coach.
  • Solve 2 out of 3 problems of the Extramural round.
  • Upload your solutions no later than September 30 or November 1.
  • Find your team in the list of the invited teams to the Grand final INST-2021!


Here you may find the photos of our participants, jury members, organizers, and viewers taken by Artem, Karolina, and Paulina. Don't forget to share those photos on social media and mention us!


Dear friends, we congratulate you on the end of the Grand final of the X INST!

We are happy to announce that:

1) the team "NS. United" (Novosibirsk State University, Russia) became the winner of the Tournament,

2) the team "Zewailians" (Zewail city for science and technology, Egypt) took second place,

3) the team "SPS.NUS" (National University of Singapore, Singapore) got the bronze medals.

The scores of all stages for all teams and the results of the Individual Championship are published here.

The Geropharm company distinguished the teams "NS. United" and "Audax Viator" for the solution of the problem 6, "Cell spheroids." 

Looking forward to seeing you next year!


Dear participants, the results of the two first qualifying cycles are published


Dear participants, here are the teams' briefing presentation and the results of the captains' competition


Dear participants, please pay attention to the distribution of the problems of the Grand final. Unit X will be played on the 8th of February, and Unit Y will be played on the 10th of February


Dear participants, we would like to announce that the deadline for the questions to our Scientific council regarding the Grand final problems is the 30th of January!


Here you can find some answers to participants’ questions regarding the problems of the Grand final.


  • Dear participants and jury members! Please, pay attention that corrected version of the problems is published (misprint in the problem ?6 is corrected). Please, use the corrected version of the list of problems.
  • Now we publish the official program of the Grand final of X INST.


The Rules&Regulations of the Grand final may be found here.


The full list of the problems of the Grand final is now published! The problems are divided into 2 units (please, pay attention to the order). The day, which each of the units will be played, will be announced no later than 3 days before the Grand final. Remember that you may refuse to solve any one problem in each unit. 


Happy New year, dear friends!
We wish you joy, victories, and changes for the better incoming 2020! Let there be discoveries and exciting adventures!


The first six problems of the Grand final of the X INST are published here. The second part of the list of problems and the final distribution of the problems in units will be published later. 


Dear participants and Jury members! Here we publish the official schedule of our tournament (the detailed one will be published in January 2020). Please, pay attention that the day of arrival is the 6th of February, 2020, and the day of departure is the 12th of February, 2020. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Here we publish the final ranking of the teams, which are invited for participation in the Grand final of the X INST. The teams, which are mentioned in a standby list, will be invited for participation after any of the higher-ranked teams will have refused to participate. Detailed scores will be sent to the team captains no later than December 6. If you have any questions, please contact the Organizing Committee via e-mail  


Dear participants! The Extramural round of the X INST has finished. The list of the teams, which are invited to the Grand final, will be published no later than November 29, 2019.


Dear participants! We kindly ask to upload your solutions before the deadline November 15, 2019, 23:59 (GTM+3) otherwise the solutions may not be accepted. Thank you for understanding!


Congratulations to the 8 teams, which are invited to the Grand final of X INST in the first wave! 
Other teams remain to compete with teams from the second wave. Those teams, which still haven’t applied, don't forget that the second wave will last until November, 15. So, we are still waiting for your great solutions! 


The first wave of the Extramural round of the INST2020 has finished. We will announce the teams, which made it through the extramural round successfully, after October 15. The teams, which haven’t had time to send their solutions, we have great news for you: the second wave will last until November 15. So do not miss this chance!


In addition to the Extramural round, the Grand final (or as we called it Intramural round) of INST2020 can be accessed through the National rounds.
This year tournament includes two of it:

???? The first one is in Russia will be traditionally held at Saint Petersburg State University for any Russian-speaking team. The Extramural round deadline: September 9, 2019. The Grand final: November 13-19, 2019. More info here: ?????? ???????????? ????
????The second one is in South Africa. It will be held at the University of the Free State for students of the UFS. The Extramural round deadline: August 28, 2019. The Grand final: September 25-27, 2019. More info here: MYST

So, the teams-winners of the National rounds will be invited to the Grand final INST in Warsaw.
Also, we will be pleased if you assemble a National round in your country. All questions you can ask in


Have your idea of the problem? You can develop and offer it by filling the special form.
If your problem is accepted, many chemists, physicists, doctors, biologists, and engineers will be trying to solve it during upcoming Tournaments.


We are happy to inform you that the Grand final of the X International Natural Sciences Tournament will be held in the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, on February 7–12, 2020


The INST-2020 Extramural round problems are published! It's time to gather your team and start to solve our tasks! Please, note that the first wave of the Extramural round will last until September 30, 2019. Dates of the second wave will be announced soon.


IX INST came to an end. Team "UFS" from South Africa became the winner of the Tournament, silver medals went to the team "How Do You Like That, Elon Musk?" from Russia, the team "Shock Wave", also from Russia, took the 3rd place. Congratulations!!! 

The results of the Tournament are available.

The results of the Individual Championship are published.


The brochure of the IX International Natural Sciences Tournament is available


Here the Rules and Regulations of the IX International Natural Sciences Tournament.


Dear participants! The text of Problem #4 was slightly changed due to the corrections of the MelScience company. Please, use the new version of the Problems of IX INST, which is published here and on our main page. 


Here we publish the schedule of the IX International Natural Sciences Tournament. See you soon!


The full pack of the IX INST Intramural round problems is published now. 


The tasks (part 1) of the Intramural round are published


Bank account details for the Participation fees

Beneficiary name:

Fond Turniry Junyh

Account number:


Bank of the beneficiary:

ACCOUNT N 30109840955550000442 

Correspondent’ bank:




Dear friends!

Results of the Extramural round published on our website. We congratulate all the participants who are invited to the Intramural round of IX INST! See you in Tallinn! 


Here we publish the list of teams invited to the Intramural round in the 1st wave. 
75% of teams were selected for participation in the Intramural round, the others will be on the waiting list until the end of the 2nd wave. 

Don’t forget that the 2nd wave will last till November 21. We are waiting for your solutions!



We hurry to inform you that the Extramural round of INST2019 is extended to November 21, 2018. According to the rating rules, 75% of the first wave teams will pass to the Intramural round, the others will be on the waiting list until the end of the second wave of the Extramural round. Moreover, the teams which will pass in the first wave will receive a special gift from INST. Thus, we have two deadlines: November 1, 2018 (regular) and November 21, 2018 (late). So, believe in yourself and try! We already believe in you!


We are happy to announce that Intramural round of the IX International Natural Sciences Tournament will take place in Tallinn, Estonia on February 1–6, 2019.  


We are pleased to announce the beginning of the IX International Natural Sciences Tournament. Here you can find the problems of the extramural round. 


The Results of the intramural round are published.


The task of the intramural round is published.


The Programme of the VIII International Natural Sciences Tournament is published. 


The list of the teams invited to INST - 2017


The VIII International Natural Sciences Tournament is postponed to the date: from the 29th of January to 4th of February, 2018. The extramural round is prolonged to the 4th of December in this regard. 


The Results of the Extramural round


The extramural round ends in 4 days. We are waiting for your solutions:)


The extramural round is coming to the end. 

The deadline is on the 15th of September. If you have questions, please, write to the

Hurry up!


INST 2017 Extramural round problems are published.


Detailed scores and final teams' ratings are published.


Personal Rating is available


The results of our Tournament

The winner is the brilliant team "KiasuNUSPS" from Singapore. The silver medalist is the "Zenith" from Spain. Team "Nusantara"  took the 3rd place. Congratulations!!!

The winner of open league - team "SiIBoUR - is invited for participating in the Russian league of INST to St. Petersburg.


Results of two Qualifying Games

Section 1

Section 2



Total first day results


Criteria of estimation are available


Qualifying Games. Day 1. Results. Teams' Raiting will be available tomorrow


The Section Distribution is published


We are ready to start the competition. You will play the problems:
- from the 'Block X' in the 'Qualyfying Games. Day 1';
- from the 'Block Y' in the 'Qualyfying Games. Day 2';
- from the 'Block Z' in the 'Grand Final'.


The Program of the Tournament is published


We are happy to announce that the team ”Hot Siberian Molecules” will join the Tournament on the winner’s rights of INST – 2015 (Russian league).


Overall reveiew of the challenge and typical mistakes are presented by the members of the International Organizing Committee. Watch and bite on! 


Full pack of the intramural round problems has been revealed.


Dear participants, please, pay you kind attention to Rules and Recommendations!


List of Intramural Round's Participants




Dear participants! We are ready to publish 8 out of 15 intramural round problems. Next publishment will be done at September 12, 2016. 


We remind you that Participation fees have to be paid until August, 20 (the 1st wave) and August, 30 (the 2nd wave). 

Attention: the fees should be transferred in euro according to the exchange rate.


We are happy to anounce the results of the Second Wave of extramural round. 



Dear participants,

We remind you that the end of extramural round is on July, 10. Only the best teams will get opportunity to come to Novosibirsk to intramural round. So hurry up and send us your solutions.


Bank account details for the Participation fees

Beneficiary name: Fond Turniry Junyh

Account number: 40703978500002001735

Bank of the beneficiary: Investment Bank Vesta (LCC), Moscow, Russia

                                              ACCOUNT N DE43503200000105446397

                                             SWIFT: VSTARUMM

 Correspondent’ bank:   VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AG,

                                              Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

                                              SWIFT: OWHBDEFF


Dear participants!

We are excited to publish the 1st wave’s results of the INST 2016. It is worth to notice that the teams had got the best of them and received high points. That is why we made a decision to invite all the teams of  the 1st wave to intramural round. 



Dear participants, 
We are glad to announce that it has been decided to extend the last date of receipt of applications for participation in INST2016 to July 10, 2016. It means that you’ve got one more chance to become a part of this great festival of science! 

The results of the first wave will be available on June, 10

The team, selected for the intramural round, is obligatory to pay the fee which covers accommodation and coffee-breaks throughout the tournament's days. Please, pay your attention that the participation fee is not refunded. 

You can find detailed information on the website or by writing to


Extramural round problems have been published
Download extramural round tasks, INST2016


Dear colleagues!

We started preparation for INST 2016. The tournament will be held in English. We are looking forward to meet teams from India, Indonesia, Iran, Germany, Denmark, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. 

To participate in INST 2015 you should prepare solutions of the extramural round problems. Problems of the extramural round will be available at April, 2016.